Ear Infection is very common. All parents should be familiar with these signs of ear infection in babies, and the causes and precautions..

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Does the baby show sign of irritability?

This is a very common sign of ear infection; an irritated child is very restless and will neither sleep nor eat.

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Does the baby cry more if put to sleep?

When the baby is lying on its back the pressure on the Eustachian tube increases causing discomfort.

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Does the baby have fever?

If fever is accompanied by a common cold or is immediately after a cold, the chances are that it is due to an ear Infection.

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Does the baby tugs or pulls its ears?

The baby pulls its ears to draw attention or reduce discomfort due to earache.

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Unpleasant odour from the ears is a confirmation of ear infection. 

Are you getting an unpleasant smell from the baby’s ears?

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If you notice a watery discharge from the ear, it is a sign of eardrum perforation due to middle ear infection or otitis media.

Did you notice a discharge from the baby’s ears?

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The baby may not respond to the usual sounds due to the blockage in the ears caused by the accumulation of fluid due to the infection.

Is the baby not responding to sounds?

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The baby refuses to drink milk beyond a few sips as the action of swallowing causes earache and discomfort in the ears.

Does the baby have a reduced appetite or diarrhea?

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Common reasons for ear infection in babies

– Low immunity in the babies – Structure of the ear in babies – Common cold

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