Superfoods For Hearing Health

People generally do not take ear health or hearing health seriously; recent research indicates that neglect of hearing loss often leads to depression and Dementia in the elders. We always search the internet for articles on food items to control our hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol, but are you aware of the superfoods for hearing? These are not exotic foods, but regular foods good for hearing. We tell you how to select everyday food items as part of your routine diet and gain benefits to boost our hearing power.

Why We Need Foods For Ear Health?

It is very tough to determine the exact time when hearing loss starts. We cannot wait for deafness to set in and then start the treatment. Certain hearing loss types are not curable, though researchers are very close to a cure. However, it’s yet not available so it’s better to take precautions. One simple method is to consume foods that help reverse hearing loss.


Though we eat regular meals, it is not enough. We select food items and keep track of excess carbs and fats, but have we ever wondered whether we are consuming a balanced diet? Or the foods are good for hearing?

Our body needs the right mix of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients to keep our organs working efficiently. Similarly, certain foods that are good for hearing do delay the onset of hearing loss. We call them superfoods for hearing as these food items are good for our ear health.

Minerals In Our Diet To Improve Hearing

Minerals are substances available in our everyday food items; our body does not produce them. The only source is our daily diet. We have shortlisted three essential minerals, which should be part of our diet to improve hearing.

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

How Does Potassium Improve Our Ear Health?

Potassium is responsible for controlling the fluids in our body. Our inner Ear contains a fluid that is important to complete the process of converting sound signals to electrical impulses, which are ultimately carried to our brain by the auditory nerve. A drop in potassium levels is known to cause deafness in old age. It is important that our food contains enough Potassium to arrest this loss.

The Superfoods For Hearing Containing Potassium are as under:

Vegetables: Potato, Spinach (Palak), Tomatoes, Beans (Rajma)

Fruits: Banana, Oranges, Melons

Other sources of Potassium: Milk and curds.

How Does Magnesium Improve Our Ear Health?

Magnesium fights free radicals in the body (free radicals are unstable atoms that attract an electron to become stable, leading to oxidation). It is known that loud sounds give rise to free radicals. Adequate consumption of Magnesium will help in arresting Noise induced deafness or Acquired Hearing loss. Deficiency of Magnesium is also known to shrink blood vessels, which reduce blood supply to the ears. Reduced blood supply to the ears results in Sensorineural hearing loss.

The superfoods for hearing containing Magnesium are as under-

Vegetables: Potato, Spinach (Palak), and most green vegetables, Tomatoes, beans

Fruits: Bananas

Other Sources: Brown Rice, Almonds.

How Does Zinc Improve Our Ear Health?

Zinc improves the overall resistance and immunity of the body. Consuming foods containing zinc will ensure that the chances of infection are reduced.

 The superfoods for hearing containing zinc are as under-

Vegetables: Beans (Rajma), Lentils (Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Urad Dal), Grams (Chana)

Non-Vegetarian: Dark Meats, Oysters.

Other Sources: Cashews, Almonds, Curds.

Supplements Approximate Requirement per Day E a s i l y A v a i l a b l e S o u r c e
Minerals Men Women
Potassium 3500 mg Vegetables: Potato, Spinach (Palak), Tomatoes, Beans (Rajma)
Fruits: Banana, Oranges, Melons.
Other sources: Milk and curds.
CAUTION: Persons suffering from Kidney & Heart related ailments should consult their Doctor.
Magnesium 400 mg. 310 mg. Vegetables: Potato, Spinach (Palak) and most green vegetables, Tomatoes, beans
Fruits: Banana
Other Sources: Brown Rice, Almonds.
Zinc 5.5 – 9.5 mg 4 – 7 mg Vegetables: Beans (Rajma), Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Urad Dal (Lentils), Chana.(Grams)
Non Vegetarian: Dark Meats, Oysters
Other Sources: Cashews, Almonds, Curds.
The above mentioned Dosage is approximate suggestion for adults. Please consult your Doctor for confirmation
Supplement Source Nutritional Values
Potassium Spinach – 100gms 558 mg
White beans or lobhia – one cup 1000 mg
Tomatoes – 100 gms. 237 mg
Potatoes – 100 gms 421 mg
Bananas – 100gms 358 mg
Oranges – 100 gms 181 mg
Guavas – 100 gms 417 mg
Milk – 100 ml 150 mg
Magnesium Spinach – 100gms 156 mg
Beans – one cup 140 mg
Potatoes – 100 gms 23 mg
Tomatoes – 100 gms. 11 mg
Brown Rice – 100 gms 43 mg
Bananas – 100gms 27 mg
Zinc Spinach – 100gms 1.37 mg
Lentils ( Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Urad Dal) 2.51 mg
Cow milk – depending on the fat content. 0.98 – 1.05 mg
Mushrooms – 100 gms 0.79 mg
Cashew – 100 gms 2.31 mg
Oats – 100 gms 1.55 mg
Tomatoes – 100 gms. 0.31 mg

Superfoods For Hearing Containing Vitamins

Our body requires various vitamins for the proper functioning of the multiple body parts and the sensory organs. Vitamins are an essential nutrient that our body needs in the right quantity. The deficiency of vitamins leads to various ailments. When the body cannot produce the compound in sufficient quantities, it must be obtained through the diet or supplements.

The 5 Vitamins For Hearing Improvement

  • Vitamin B12: A proper level of vitamin B12 protects one from Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) and Noise Induced deafness.

Non-vegetarian food is the primary source of vitamin B12; it is essential for vegetarians to take supplements for hearing loss.

  • Vitamin C & E: Both these vitamins act as antioxidants and protect the body from free radicals. Vitamin C helps in building up immunity, thereby reducing the chances of ear infection.

Foods Good For Hearing Containing Vitamin C

Fruits: Lemons (Nimbu), Sweet limes (Mosambi), Oranges (Santra).

Sources of Vitamin E

Fruits like Mango, Papaya, and Kiwi fruit.

Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, Tomatoes.

Other Sources Of Foods That Help Hearing

Peanuts, dry fruits like Almonds, Sunflower seeds, or sunflower oil used in cooking.

  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D: It is a well-known fact that Vitamin D strengthens the bones in the body, and for our ears, it helps strengthen the small bones in the ear, which are necessary to conduct the sound signals from the outer to the inner ear. Any defect in the bones causes conductive hearing loss.

Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D; our body produces vitamin D when exposed to the sunlight. For a fair-skinned person, an exposure of 20 to 30 minutes is adequate. Brown or dark-skinned people will require more exposure.

Source Of Foods Good For Ears Containing Vitamin D:

Fruits: Oranges

Other Sources: Mushrooms, Cheese, Soy Milk, fortified health drinks.

Non-Vegetarian: Fish, eggs.

Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid: This supplement is responsible for the growth of new cells in the body. Folic acid also helps in blood circulation; it improves blood flow to the ear through the small blood vessels.

Food For Hearing Containing Folic Acid

Vegetables: Spinach (Palak), Beetroot, Okra (Bhindi), Carrots, Cauliflower. Beans (Rajma) Lentils like Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Urad Dal. corn, Flax seeds.

Fruits: Citrus Fruits like Lemons (Nimbu), Sweet limes (Mosambi), Oranges (Santra), Papaya

Supplements Approximate Requirement per Day E a s I l y A v a I l a b l e S o u r c e
Vitamin B12 2.4 mg. The primary source of vitamin B12 is non vegetarian food. For Vegetarians it is important to take supplements.
Vitamin C 90 mg. Fruits: Lemons (Nimbu), Sweet limes (Mosambi), Oranges (Santra).
Indian Amla, Guava
Vitamin E 15 mg. Fruits: Mango, Papaya, Kiwi fruit.
Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, Tomatoes.
Other Sources: Peanuts, dry fruits like Almonds, Sunflower seeds or sunflower oil used in cooking.
Vitamin D 600 IU Other Sources: Mushrooms, Cheese, Soy Milk, fortified health drinks.
Non Vegetarian: Fish, eggs.
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid 400 Mcg DFE Vegetables: Spinach (Palak), Beet root, Okra (Bhindi), Carrots, Cauliflower. Beans (Rajma) Lentils like Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Urad Dal. Corn, Flax seeds.
Fruits: Citrus Fruits like Lemons (Nimbu), Sweet limes (Mosambi), Oranges (Santra), Papaya
The above mentioned Dosage is approximate suggestion for adults. Please consult your Doctor for confirmation
mg   Milligrams
Mcg   Micro milligram
DFE   Dietary Folate Equivalents
IU   International Units
Supplement Source Nutritional Values
Vitamin B12 Milk Low fat – 100 ml 1.2 Mcg
Cheese – 100 gms 0.4 Mcg
Egg – Boiled 0.6 Mcg
Salmon (Rawas) 85 gms 4.8 Mcg
Chicken 85 gms 0.3 Mcg
Vitamin C Orange/Lemon – 100 gms 53.2 mg
Indian Amla – 100 gms 600 mg – 1800 mg
Guava 228 mg
Kiwi fruit – 100 gms 92 .7 mg
Vitamin E Mango – 100 gms 1.12 mg
Papaya – 100 gms 0.30 mg
Kiwi fruit – 100 gms 1.46 mg
Vitamin D Mushrooms 100 gms 7 IU
Cottage Cheese 3 IU
Boiled egg – 100 gms 87 IU
Fish Salmon (Rawas) 526 IU
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid Spinach – 100gms 194 Mcg
Beetroot 109 Mcg
Ocra (Bhindi) 88 Mcg
Lentils 479 Mcg
Oranges/Lemons 39 Mcg
Papaya 37 Mcg

Other Nutrients And Supplements In Foods That Help Hearing

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: These are healthy fats and have many benefits in reducing cholesterol and boosting memory.

Research has proved that people with a high consumption of Omega 3 (Fish eaters) have a lower chance of deafness. Omega 3 helps in the regeneration of cells. Omega 3 fats generally promote a healthy heart, which helps in pumping blood to the ears.

Superfoods For Hearing Containing Omega 3 Fats

Vegetarian: Flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil

Non-vegetarian: Fish, particularly salmon (Rawas), Mackerel (Bangda)

Supplements Approximate Requirement per Day E a s I l y A v a I l a b l e S o u r c e
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Men Women Vegetarian: Flax seeds, walnuts, canola oil
1.6 gms 1.1 gms Non Vegetarian: Fish, particularly salmon (Rawas), Mackerel (Bangda)
The above mentioned Dosage is approximate suggestion for adults. Please consult your Doctor for confirmation
Supplement Source Nutritional Values
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Flax Seeds – 100gms 22.80 gms
Walnuts -100 gms 9.08 gms
Salmon (Rawas), Mackerel (Bangda)- 100 gms 1.500 gms

Besides a healthy diet, it is essential that we must maintain an active lifestyle; regular walks will help maintain Ear Health. As far as possible, do not hide or cover your hearing loss. Early acceptance of your Hearing Loss will help you and your family seek an appropriate Hearing Loss solution.