Maharashtra Budget 2018 presented in “Sign Language” for the 1st time in India

Maharashtra Budget 2018 presented in “Sign Language” for the 1st time in India was relayed on the official Mygov site of the State Government for the benefit of the population suffering from Hearing Loss disability.

For those who missed the relay can scroll down watch the complete budget in Sign Language.


The budget was presented by the Finance Minister, Shri. Sudhir Mungantiwar. This was the 4th budget of Chief Minister Shri. Devendra Fadnavis.

The highlights are as under:

  • Revenue deficit budget of Rs 15,375 crore
  • Rs 1526 crore for treatment of solid waste in cities across the state.
  • Rs 13,385 crore for home department. Funds also to be used for modernisation and upgradation of police force
  • Rs 10828 crore for road repairs and reconstruction.
  • 10 lakh youths will be trained in 5 year under skill development
  • Scholarships for OBC, ST/ SC students doubled from Rs 2000 to Rs 4000.
  • To increase the state’s share in UPSC, banking and other competitive exams, the government announces to set up one coaching centre in every district. Rs 50 crore budget for the initiative.
  • Rs 40 crore for repair and reconstruction of ST bus depots across the state.
  • Rs 1500 crore for ‘Jalyukt Shivar’ water conservation projects
  • Budget allocates Rs 8233 crore for irrigation department.
  • One runway of the proposed Navi Mumbai Airport to be completed by 2019.

Watch the complete Budget 2018.

YouTube video player

Maharashtra Government has been in the forefront of many such initiatives. Below are some of the beneficial schemes for the disabled.

Other Schemes by the Maharashtra State Government

The Maharashtra Government funded scheme Shravnit Maharashtra will fund the cost of the Cochlear Implant in one ear to complement the central Government funded ADIP (Assistance for Disabled Persons) scheme which has been providing funds for Cochlear Implants in one ear. Post operation rehabilitation in terms of Speech Therapy and maintenance will also be covered under the Shravnit Maharashtra scheme.

The other State sponsored schemes are as below:

Special Education and Vocational Training through Government institutions.

Sr. No.SchemeDetailed Information
1.Name of the SchemeSpecial Education and Vocational Training through Government institutions
2.Funding byState Government
3.Scheme objectiveSpecial education is provided to disabled children between age group of 6 to 18 years in the government special schools. Vocational training is also provided to special children’s above the age of 18 years.
4.Beneficiaries CategoryVisually Impaired, Hearing Impaired ,Orthopedically Handicapped
5.Eligibility criteria1.    Application in given format submitted to concern
Govt. Institution2.    Applicant should have minimum 40% disability.3.    Applicant should be Domicile in Maharashtra.
6.Benefits ProvidedChild with a disability has access to free education in an appropriate environment till he / she attains the age of eighteen years & above 18 years vocational training given to special children. The free facilities of food, shelter, clothing and education are provided in these institutions
7.Application processApplication in prescribed form with necessary documents submitted to Concern Govt. Institute
8.Category of SchemeEducation and Vocational Training
9.Contact OfficeGovernment Institution and District social welfare office Zillah Parishad/Assistant Commissioner Social welfare office Mumbai urban / Mumbai suburban

Non-Governmental Aided organization (Special Schools and Vocational Training Centre) for Disable.

Sr. No.SchemeDetailed Information
1Name of the SchemeNon-Governmental Aided organization (Special Schools and Vocational Training Centre) for Disable.
2.Funding byState Government
3.Scheme objectiveSpecial education is provided to disabled children below the age of 18 years in the special school which are run by Non-Governmental Aided organization. Vocational training is also given to special children above 18 years
4.Beneficiaries CategoryVisually Impaired, Hearing Impaired ,Orthopedically Handicapped, Mentally Retarded
5.Eligibility criteria1.    Application in given format submitted to concern special
School / Vocational Training centre.2.2.    Applicant should have minimum 40% disability.3.    Applicant should be Domicile in Maharashtra
6.Benefits ProvidedChild with a disability has access to free education in an appropriate environment till he / she attains the age of eighteen years. Above 18 years vocational training is given to disabled children. Also free facilities of food, shelter and education are provided in residential institutions.
7.Application processApplication in given format attached with necessary documents submitted to Concern voluntary organization
8.Category of SchemeEducation and Vocational Training
9.Contact Officevoluntary organization and District social welfare office Zillah Parishad/Assistant Commissioner Social welfare office Mumbai urban / Mumbai suburban

The Scheme of State Award for Disabled

Sr. No. Scheme Detailed Information
1. Name of the Scheme The Scheme of State Award for Disabled
2. Funding by State Government
3. Scheme objective Every year the State Government has felicitated awards to the Best Disabled Employees / Employers / Placement Agency who have done outstanding work in various fields.
4. Beneficiaries Category visually handicapped, Low vision, hearing impaired, and orthopedically handicapped and Mentally Retarded
5. Eligibility criteria

1. Apply in prescribed form submitted to concern District Social Welfare Office, Zillah Parishad $ Assistant Commissioner Social Welfare Department, Mumbai Urban Mumbai Suburban.

2. Applicant should have minimum 40% disability.

3. Applicant should be Domicile in Maharashtra.

6. Benefits Provided
Sr. No. Category No. of Awards Composition of Award
1. Best Employees (Visually handicapped, Hearing handicapped, Orthopedically Handicapped, Mentally Retarded) 12 Rs. 10,000/- in cash, a citation
and a certificate.
2. Best Employer (Govt. / Public / Private Sector) 2 Rs. 25,000/- in cash,
Memento, citation and a
7. Application process Application in prescribed form attached with necessary documents/bio data/outstanding work in the disability sector.
8. Category of Scheme Social incentive
9. Contact Office District Social Welfare Office, Zillah Parishad $ Assistant Commissioner Social Welfare Office ,Mumbai Urban Mumbai Suburban

Financial Assistance to disabled for self-employment.

Sr. No.SchemeDetailed Information
1.Name of the SchemeFinancial Assistance to disabled for self-employment
2.Funding byState Government
3.Scheme objectiveTo facilitate Self-employment to unemployed disable persons is the objective of the scheme. Under this scheme Financial Assistance is provided to disable person for self-employment, small scale business and agro based project.
4.Beneficiaries CategoryVisually handicapped, Low vision, hearing impaired and orthopedically handicapped and Mentally Retarded.
5.Eligibility criteria1.    Application in given format submitted to concern District Social Welfare Officer, Zillah Parishad & Assistant Commissioner Social Welfare Office ,Mumbai Urban & Mumbai Suburban.


2.    Applicant should have minimum 40% disability.

3.    Applicant should be Domicile in Maharashtra.

4.    Applicant age criteria between 18 to 50 years.

5.    Applicant annual income should be below the Rs 100000/-

6.Benefits ProvidedUnder this scheme financial assistance up to Rs.1,50,000/- is provided. 80% loan amount is provided from Nationalized Bank and 20% or up to Rs.30,000/- subsidy is provided from Social Welfare Department for self-employment.
7.Application processApplication in prescribed format with necessary documents.
8.Category of SchemeSelf-employment
9.Contact OfficeDistrict Social Welfare Office ,Zillah Parishad & Assistant Commissioner Social Welfare office ,Mumbai Urban & Mumbai Suburban

The Maharashtra State Government has many other such schemes, to know more please visit our Deaf Jobs section. This section also has a list of NGO’s (Non Government Organisations) involved in skilling and job placement for the Hearing Disabled.